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"Love always involves responsibility, and love always involves sacrifice. And we do not really love Christ unless we are prepared to face His task and to take up His Cross."

- William Barclay



Can you see it? Sometimes when you have a vision, goal, or a masterpiece in your mind, you can tell someone else and they just won’t get it. Sometimes they’ll ridicule you for it. Sometimes they’ll make you feel like you’re crazy.

You might think, “Can I really do this?” "Is it really worth it?"

You need vision in order to see it through.

Doubt is one of many of the sacrifices we need to make when it comes to having a vision. 

There is no victory without sacrifice.

Today, on Easter Sunday, we honour sacrifice – the sacrifice Christ made for all of us. See, God had a master plan. He saw a masterpiece and sent His only Son to be sacrificed. He sacrificed so that any wrong we did would be forgiven. We would no longer be a slave to our own accusations, sins, or anything evil. 

He died on the cross. He saw something greater. He had a master plan.

See, you are His masterpiece. So He must sacrifice for you.

Every masterpiece, goal, or vision you have that is so dear to you must be sacrifice for.

You'll give your heart to it.

You'll give your time to it.

Your focus.


That thing is so important to you that you will never let it go.

Vision. Sacrifice. Victory. We receive victory because of God’s vision and because of He sacrificed His son.

When you think about it, it’s amazing. Someone loved you in order to sacrifice their life for you because they saw something so great in you.

This is what I think about when I need a reminder that there is greatness inside of me. There is something worth sacrificing for. The greatness in all of us is enough that it should be sacrificed for.

You should be sacrificed for. You are loved, blessed and highly favoured. And you are worth it.

Give thanks this Easter because your greatness is so special and you are a masterpiece. Don’t let anybody tell you differently.

A lot of people will want to take from your vision. A lot of people will want to take from your greatness. Those who are willing to sacrifice for you. Lay down for you. To give and feed that seed buried deep down inside of you, those are the people who see your greatness. Those are the people who see your vision for your future.

You are a visionary. You are fearfully and wonderfully made to live out the greatness inside of you. Get after that greatness. Respect that greatness. Honour that greatness.

Happy Easter.




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